Aladdin Knights of the Mystic Light: Dedicated to the collectors of antique coal oil and electric Aladdin lamps. We serve to educate, illuminate, and entertain anyone who has even the slightest curiosity about one of the greatest lamps ever produced—the last non-pressure, incandescent kerosene lamp.
Collectors of Findlay Glass: Five glass factories produced tableware and novelties in Findlay, Ohio from 1886-1902. They were: Dalzell, Gilmore & Leighton, Bellaire Goblet, The Columbia Glass, Model Flint Glass and The Findlay Flint Glass. Findlay Glass Club site
Early American Pattern Glass Society: Purpose: foster and encourage the collection, appreciation, study, preservation, and documentation of early American pattern glassware, and its place in American life, past and present.
Fairy Lamp Club: Dedicated to the research and advancement of information related to Victorian and contemporary fairy lamps and other candle-burning devices.
Fostoria Ohio Glass Association: This organization has documented the 13 glass companies that were located in Fostoria, Ohio, during the period 1887 to 1920. The have a visitors Gallery located on Main Street in Fostoria, Ohio. See their web site for more information:
Fostoria Glass Society of America (FGSA): The society was formed to acquire and disseminate detailed knowledge concerning Fostoria Glass, and to establish and maintain a museum in Moundsville, WV, for housing and displaying Fostoria
See Also The Central Pennsylvania Chapter of the FGSA
Glasfax: To encourage interest in the preservation and history of Canadian glass, to encourage the exchange of information between members and non-members. Also to assist newcomers to this field in acquiring knowledge and a deep appreciation of the beauty and artistry found in many forms of
Museum of American Glass in West Virginia: Come and see everything from telegraph insulators, marbles, early glass bottles, children glassware, adult tableware, elegant hand cut & etched & decorated glassware by the finest craftsman from hundreds of American Companies. Now we are adding Studio Artists to our acquisitions. SOMETHING for EVERYONE !! Join our museum, get our magazine free...
National American Glass Club: This club is an international organization for those interested in the study and appreciation of glass, regardless of type, period or origin. Our mission is to bring together people with the same passion for glass, so we can expand our appreciation for the medium.
National Depression Glass Association: The association is dedicated to the dissemination of educational information and the preservation of American made glassware manufactured just before, during, and immediately after the "Great Depression".
National Fenton Glass Society: The society's purpose is to promote the study, understanding and enjoyment of handmade glass, the handmade glass industry and especially glass made by the Fenton Art Glass Company, Williamstown, West Virginia.
National Greentown Glass Association: NGGA is active in disseminating specific knowledge concerning Greentown Glass and promoting education and research on the history and products of the Indiana Tumbler and Goblet Company, Greentown, Indiana.
National Imperial Glass Collector's Society: Founded to encourage learning enlighten the understand of one of our greatest heritages, the American glass industry. The Imperial Glass Corporation was one of the largest and finest of all the great hand-made glasshouses.
National Milk Glass Collectors Society: An educational organization dedicated to the study and preservation of this unique segment of the glass world. Members of the society receive a quarterly publication, the “Opaque News” which contains informative articles on all aspects of milk glass, written by members with many years of collecting expertise.
National Toothpick Holder Collectors Society: NTHCS promotes and supports the collecting of toothpick holders, and provides education for both members and non-members by providing research, written documentation, new articles, and by participating in other collector-related events.
New Bedford Museum of Glass: Our growing collection includes art glass made in New Bedford by the Mt. Washington and Pairpoint factories, glass from the Midwest and other regions of the country, English and Continental glass, ancient glass, historical glass, Tiffany and Steuben, paperweights, studio glass and much more. Please watch for our reopening date and then stop by for a visit!
Night Light Collectors Club: For collectors of "miniature" lamps, properly called night lamps or night-lights, Quarterly newsletter, annual Convention, Lamp Show and Auction.
Old Morgantown Glass Collector's Guild: The guild was founded in 1990 with the purpose of preserving the history and the glassware produced by the Morgantown Glass Works, Inc., its predecessor company, Economy Glass Company and its successor company, the Morgantown Glassware Guild, Inc.
Phoenix and Consolidated Glass Collectors Club: The club is organized and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes to raise the publics awareness and appreciation for the special characteristics, heritage, and unique historical value of Phoenix and Consolidated art glass.
Tiffin Glass Collector's Club: The club was established in 1985 to study the history of Tiffin Glass, known as Factory R of the United States Glass Company, and the glassware manufactured there. In 1998 the Tiffin Glass Museum was opened and thus culminates the early preservation efforts by members of the Tiffin Glass Collectors
Vaseline Glass Collector's Inc: Incorporated in 1998 to educate and unify Vaseline Glass collectors everywhere. Vaseline Glass is a particular color of yellow-green glass that is made by adding 2% Uranium Dioxide to the ingredients of the glass formula.
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